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0-9 recycled inkjet cartriges
3D Printed Rocket Motor
3D Printed Rocket Motor - Test #5 video
3D Printing service by Nextline
3D Printing service by ShapeWays
3GPP standards, FAQ, etc
6DOF services for rocket behavior by
6DOF software for rocket behavior by Cambridge Rocketry (free)
6DOF software for rocket behavior by RockSim Pro
800 numbers - practice GRE and GMAT CAT tests
9x20 Lathe Enhancements
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a Contradance Page...
"A Jazz Improvisation Primer" by Marc Sabatella
Access Group Graduate Student Loans
ACM - The First Society in Computing
ACME Fin can for a rocket, sold by Giant Leap Rocketry
Acrylic, flourescent by Acrylite
Advanced Pain Treatment Center (Mary Jo Curran)
Adobe Systems Incorporated Home Page
Aerocon online catalog
AeroFinSim - Fin analysis software for rocket
Aerospace Composite Products (no min order)
Aerospace links (caltech)
Aerospike by CSLUB
Aerospike Rocket nozzle design software
Aerotek individual motor parts
Aetna Navigator
Ahead Software, makers of NERO
AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AI generated images by OpenAI (DALL-E)
AI generated images by Syntopikon (music)
AI generated images by Stable Diffusion
Air Canada Home Page
Aircraft Aerodynamics and Design Group Projects
Air Liquide encyclopedia of gas compatibility and properties
Airplane, FAA certification data sheets (lots of official specs)
Airplane seating chart and detailed graphics for all carriers and models
Alamo Rental Car
Alaskan Center
Alexa internet traffic statistics
Alfa Chemical Supply
All Electronics Corp
Allergen database
Allergy Relief Shop
AlphaBay Market Guide request numbers
Aluminum cylinder recertification complete list
Aluminum cylinder recertification searchable list
Amalga Composites
Amateur Radio Club of the University of Arkansas
Amateur Rocketry Links by ~dko7904
Amateur Science by Bill Beaty
Amazing Grace, from Lehman bond sales to exotic dancer
Amazing Nature Ethnobotanicals
Amazon Book Store
Amazon, Kindle
American Airlines Home Page (7M2K936/39**)
American Express airline schedules and airfares
American Express I got Blue
American Fireworks News (AFN)
American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS)
American Science and Surplus Home Page
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (lots of cool software)
AmeriCom Long Distance Service
Ameritech Home Page
Ammonium Nitrate For Sale, pyrotechnic chemicals
Ammunition by Corbon
Android Root Kit, free
Anesthesiology Server in Switzerland
Anesthesiology - GASNET: Global Anesthesiology Server Network
Anonymity check (browser fingerprint) by Panopticlick
Anonymous new posting remailer site list
Anonymous news posting service by Cotse
Anonymous surfing by
Anonymous web browsing, news posting and email by
AN Plumbing by - source for AN fittings, adapters, hose, etc
AN Plumbing by - source for AN fittings, adapters, hose, etc
Antivirus, Free, DrWeb CureIt
Antivirus, Free, Trend Micro HouseCall
Any Good Surplus Places in the USA
AOL/AIM: how to delete from Netscape
Apartment ratings
Apartments, Regents Park
Apex DVD players
Apex Electronics Surplus
Apollo 11 rocket ultra HD launch video with commentary
Apollo/Saturn pictures
Apollo/Saturn reference page
Appalacian Trail Home Page
Apple Computer Home Page
Apple Computer World Wide Technical Support Home Page
Apple World Wide Web Home Page
Apollo hoax TV show debunked
Arcadia Research Project
Arctic Silver thermal greese application instructions
Aremco High Temperature Coatings
Argonne National Laboratory Home Page
ARIMA and Forecasting by Robert Nau at
Armadillo Aerospace
Armadillo's prize to fly a rocket to 100,000 feet
arocket at
arocket at
arocket archives at (older messages)
arocket archives at (newer messages)
arocket archives at (best)
arocket member services
Article 2 Gun Range, Lombard IL
As a European this is how I imagine Americans have breakfast
Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
Astalavista search engine
AstroWeb: Astronomy/Astrophysics on the Internet
ASUS Home Page
ATFE Federal Explosives Law - Orange book
ATFE - "Getting Legal" by Dave Stoddard (PGI)
Altas V Rocket Sonic Boom video
Altimiter, rocket, port sizing
atmosphere calculator
ATSDR - HazDat Database
AT&T Bell Laboratories Research World-Wide Web Server
AT&T Online Billing Center
AT&T Universal Credit Card
AT&T Welcome Page
ATV (Amateur TV) by Dave's Covert Surveillance
ATV by Wireless Video Cameras
Augsburg College Main Menu
Autobahn Country Club in Joliet IL
Automobile Leasing - Edmunds Lease Calculator Applet
Automobile Leasing - Lease Trader
Automobile Leasing - Online Auto Leasing by
Automobile Leasing - Swap A Lease
Automobile Racing - American Racing Scene
Automobile Racing - Vintage Racers Web
Automobile Racing - World Rally Championship Infosystem
Automobile shipping by Dependable Auto Shippers (DAS)
Automobile Survey
avidemux instructions how to convert H264 to DVD
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Background check by Intelius
Background Sampler by Netscape for BIOS messups
BALLS 2015 rocket launch, Blackrock NV
BALLS Story by Tfish at Rocketry Forum
Balsa Machining Service in Lemont Illinois
Bank of America
Bank of America Add it Up
bash manual
Basic Stamp Micro-computer Home Page
BATF letter explaining removal of APCP from explosives list (rocketry)
Batteries, The battery station
Battlestar Galactica at
BCA Home Page
Bell Jar Journal of Vacuum Topics
Bemis Humidifiers
Bidspotter online liquidation auctions
Biggert, Judy official Home Page
Biggert, Judy Voting Record by
BigRedBee GPS for rocket
BigRedBee Pictures for connections by Sapp
Big Ten Professor salaries
BitTorrent programs
Bill Bullock rocket home page
Bill's Lighthouse Getaway
binsearch (search alt.binaries.*)
Biofeedback, cheap finger thermometer
BIOS Upgrade guide
BitTorrent P2P network
Black Box On-Line Catalog
BlackIce Defender PC firewall
Black Magic Missile Works - modular rocket flight computers
Black powder by Graf and Sons
Black powder by Maine Powder house
Black powder by Powder Inc
Black powder by Powder Valley
Black Rock Desert, friends of Black Rock
Blacksky rocket electronics
Blindread and Blindwrite CDR programs
Bloodtest results - normal ranges
Bloomingdale Public Library
Blueprints for all types of airplanes
Blue Ridge Machinery and Tools
Bob Brinker, Act Immediately
Bob Brinker, BJG
Bob Brinker's Money Talk
Body fat calculator
Bolts (and screws, washers, nuts, etc) by
Bolts, calculating yield and tensile strength
Bolts, dimenstions for stength calculations
Bolts, identification, markings, and strength
Books by HathiTrust Digital Library
Books by Library Genesis at
Books by Library Genesis at
Books by Library Genesis at
Books by Library Genesis at
Books by Library Genesis at
Books by Sciencemadness
Books on Demand
Boring Bar angles by homeshopmachinist
Borland Online
BPS Space, Signal Avionics, thrust vectoring for model rockets
Braun Shaver repair by
Brenntag Aliphatic Hydrocarbons and other chemicals (rocket fuel)
Brigham Young University
Broadband speed test by
Broadband speed test by
Bronners Christmas ornaments and other stuff
Browser fingerprint check by Panopticlick
BTM Industrial weekly machine tool and metal shop auction
Budget cuts video using pennies
BUROCKET - Boston University Rocket Propulsion Group
Burpee Seed Company
Burning Man Club (1)
Business Cards by Vistaprint
Busy Bee Bakery in Downers Grove
Byonics APRS and GPS modules (for rocket?)
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C++11 at Wikipedia
C++14 at Wikipedia
C++17 at Wikipedia
C++ free compilers
CADAC - Computer Aided Design of Aerospace Concepts - Fortran and C++
Cables, very inexpensive by PCMicrostore
C & H Surplus
Calculus graphics -- Douglas N. Arnold
Calendar, Perpetual
Callaway Corvette
Calorie Chart by
Caltech Alumni Web Server
Caltech home page
Car, Automobile, invoice, MSRP report
Car Dealership online
Career Center by Netscape
CareerMosaic Page 1
Carmack Prize Winners - photo by Tom Rouse
CarMag Internet Carmagazine Japan
Carl Sandburg Alumni list
Carnegie Mellon University
Carroll Parts humidifier filters
C.A.R.S. - Cyberspace Auto Related Swapmeet
Cars - Corvette C5 Registry
Cars - Corvette (Ecklers)
Car parts from auto recyclers online ordering
Cars - Exotics for rent
Cars - Ferrari (official page)
Cars - Ferrari (USA page)
Cars - Ferrari with interesting animated web site
Cars - Ferrari, wrecked
Cars - GM Home Page
Cars - prices by Edmunds
Cars - prices by Kelley Blue Book
Cars - prices by
Cars - RM Auctions
Cars - Triumph World Wide Wedge
Castor Oil for use as rocket fuel binder
Catalina Gas Cylinders: DOT-3AL high pressure aluminum and composite cyclinders: suitable for hybrid rockets
CBOE Expiration Calendar 2017
CBS Television Home Page
CD Covers by
CD Covers by
CDR copy programs, copy protection rips, instructions, etc
CDR Quality by brand name/manufacturer and other CD media infomation
Cedars-Sinai Health System
Celebrity Photographs
Center for Disease Control
Central Camera in Chicago
CERN/ANU - Asian Studies WWW VL
Chan: Time Series: Applications to Finance (discount travel agency)
Chemical Compatibility Database by Cole Parmer
Chemical Kinetics Simulator by IBM
Chemical Propulsion Information Agency
Chemicals for sale by ChemAcx
Chemicals for sale by HobbyChemicalSupply (pyro fuels/oxidizers>/A>
Chemicals for sale by SSAerospace (cheap fuels/oxidizers)
Chemical suppliers, American Chemical Supply
Chemical suppliers, AMS Research
Chemical suppliers, Bravo-Trading
Chemical suppliers, ChemiSupplies
Chemical suppliers, Chico Chemical
Chemical suppliers, CMS Research
Chemical suppliers, DesJamaan in the Netherlands (but ships to USA)
Chemical suppliers, DNT Chemicals
Chemical suppliers, Eastern Research Inc
Chemical suppliers, Eshu
Chemical suppliers, JLF
Chemical suppliers, JMAR
Chemical suppliers,
Chemical suppliers, lookup Vendor feedback
Chemical suppliers, LTK Research (good reputation)
Chemical suppliers, Omega Fine Chemicals
Chemical suppliers, search engine by alibaba
Chemical suppliers, ShroomStyle in Japan (2ci, TMA, 2ct2, etc)
Chemical suppliers, Western Biosysthesis
Chemistry database by
Chicago Diamond Exchange
Chicago Expressway Congesstion Map
Chicago, IL [CityLink]
Chicago in 2000
Chicago, photographs, at
Chicago, photographs, historical by Charles Cushman
Chicago Public Library
Chicago Transit Authority: CTA
Chicago Tribune Home Page
Chicago Tube Company (aluminum pipe and tubing)
Chicken Head Tracking video
Christus Rex
Churchill, Winston and his "finest hour speach" (other good speaches here too)
Cisco Systems
Citi Credit Card
Clairol Professional Products Web Site
ClariNet Home
Classical MIDI archives (big)
Ckick2FindNow and I-Lookup removal instructions
Climate Data for Chicago (past observations by intellicast)
Climate Diagnostics Center Home Page
CLIO -- National Archives Gopher/WWW
Clone a drive free software by EASEUS
Coca-Cola Home Page
Codeine extraction at lycaeum
Codeine side effects, potentiators, and other info by
Code One Aerospace Magazine
Coffee, Kauai Estate Reserve Peaberry
Coffee, Lebanese by
Coffee, Lebanese by
Coffee by Venizelos
Coffee, review by
College of DuPage
College of DuPage Bookstore
College of DuPage Course List, all classes
College of DuPage Library (2 1304 00155 1051)
Columbia House Music Club
Comcast account deactivation thread
Comcast online payment and account
Comic Strip - Calvin and Hobbes by date and random
Comic Strip Home Page
Comic Strip - The Far Side
Commonwealth Displays
Compilers, free, all languages
Compression FAQ
Compuexpert wholesale computer games and PC software games
CompUSA's Home Page
CompuServe's Web
Computer Graphics
Computing Dictionary
Constitution of the United States
Contrail Rockets
Coolpix 800 bundled accessories by bugeyedigital
Coolpix 800 custom accessories by CKPower
Coolpix 800 Nikon accessories by B&H Photo
Copenhagen Suborbitals: HEAT 1X rocket booster test
Coridium Corporation - affordable single board computers
Corvette 2016 Accessories and Options by
Corvette Brochures by
Corvette C8 Online Order/Reference Guide including RPO #
Corvette C8 Stripes by
Corvette C8 Tracker
Corvette CAGS eliminator for C6
Corvette C8, dealers selling at MSRP by
Corvette, Ecklers Corvette catalog
Corvette Extended warranty by Knapp Vehicles
Corvettes forum by
Corvette, How to disassemble doorlock
Corvette, How to disassemble headlight
Corvette, How to install brass headlight gear
Corvette, MidAmerica Corvette catalog
Corvette Museum Webcams
Corvette Service Manuals PDF
Corvettes for sale by Corvette World in Dallas
Cory Care paino and instrument cleaning and polishing products
Cost of living index and comparisons by Monster
Cotronics High Temperature Ceramics
Coupons by ableshoppers
Coupons by couponmountain
Cpropep rocket propellant ballistic simulator with source code
CP Technologies Home Page
CPU coolers (heatsinks) compared by
CPU coolers (heatsinks) compared by Dan's Data
Crains Chicago Business Home Page
Crains New York Business Home Page
Crucial memory (cheap PC2100 DDR)
Cryptocurrency 24 hour volumes
Cryptocurrency Ether gas costs
Cryptocurrency Ether transaction fees chart
Cryptocurrency: GDAX
Cryptocurrency Price, volume, and market cap
CSFB Direct (now HARRISdirect) online brokerage
CS Rocketry (sells pyrotechnic chemicals)
CSXT GoFast space rocket by Derek Deville
CTA: Chicago Transit Authority
Curran, Mary Jo: Advanced Pain Treatment Center
Currency (money) converter
Current sensing by the Society of Robots
Cytochrome P450 Drug Interaction Table
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Dahlquist, Bob: The Carbon Resistor Ignitor (for a rocket)
Damprid dessicants, MDMA slide show and other facts
Danny Yee's Book Page
DARK, experimental rocketry in Denmark
DARPA Launch Challenge
Darrell Mobley's rocket home page
DARTS - Digital Amateur Rocket Tracking System - amateur tracking radar
Data acquisition by B&B Electronics
Data acquisition by
Data acquisition by Measurement Computing - news about the dark web
Density vs water content of many alcohols and other chemicals by Mettler
Dependable Auto Shippers (DAS)
Data Logger (cheap)
David Johnson's Morphing Page
Dawson's Creek music
Dead Sea -- Intro
Deals by
Deals by Daily Steals
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Deals by flamingoworld
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Deals by gotapex
Deals by
Deals by
Deals by by
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Deals by
Declassified Satellite Photos
DejaNews - Usenet Index and Search Tool
Dell Computer Home Page
Dell Computer Outlet and Refurbished equipment
Delorme GPS modifications to self start
Delta Sonic car wash
DePaul University Campus Connect
DePaul University Home Page
Dept of Energy (DOE) Home Page derivatives pricing engine Free Phone Service
Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
Digi-Key Corporation
Digital balance, home made, in the microgram range backgrounds and wallpapers
Digital Camera Resource Page, a big list of download-able documentaries
Digital Equipment Corp World-Wide Web Server
Digital Library of India
Dioctyl Adipate (DOA), cheap, from Second Nature Aromatics
DirecPC satellite ISP
Dirk's Pointers to Ada related information
DisposableWebPage free file/document hosting and storage
DIVX Crawler search engine
DMSO, retail source cheap domain name registration
Doctor Fun Page
Documentaries, big list of downloadable content by
Domain Hosting by host department
Domain Hosting by PowWeb
Donotcall telemarking eliminator
Douglas Adams Worship Page
Downers Grove, Busy Bee Bakery
Downers Grove Comprehensive Plan 2017
Downers Grove discussion forum by
Downers Grove, Downtown
Downers Grove Downtown Rezoning
Downers Grove Illinois Village Home Page
Downers Grove, Lemon Tree Grocer
Downers Grove statistics
Downers Grove Township Assessor's Office Real Estate Parcel Downloads All
Downers Grove Township Assessor's Office - Real Estate - property value/tax search (form)
Downers Grove Township / Dupage County - Real Estate - property value/tax search (map)
Downers Grove Water Services Online
Downloadable Software from Adobe (Acrobat)
Dragon Naturally Speaking
Drill sizes for tapping holes
DrillSpot Industrial Supplies (alternative to McMaster)
Drivers, Linux
Dr Rocket
Drug testing by
DuPage County
DuPage County Election Commission
Dupage County - property value/tax search (map)
DuPage County Real Estate Taxes
DuPont's Performance Lubricants Home Page!
DuraFix Aluminum Repair Rods (like alumaloy)
DVD, contents of commercial disks like StarTrek etc
DVD media by
DVD media by
DVD media by
DVD Player reviews - reviews and howto guides
DVD, Samsung 709 hack instruction
DVD, Samsung 709online
DVD, Samsung 709online FAQ
DVD to DIVX converter (also useful for SVCD), cool HTML tricks, javascript and toys
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E4ME Computers
Earth at Night
Earthstation1 wavs, sounds, pictures, videos and memorable quotes
Earth Viewer
Ebay Online auction
Econometrics Toolbox of statistical and time series functions in MATLAB
Edelberg, David: WholeHealthChicago
Edmunds Car Buying Guide
EDO Memory Prices from
EDO Memory Prices from
Eggtimer Rocketry
Eiffel (ignitors for pyro and rockets)
Electronic Arts
Electronic Goldmine
Electronic Telegraph
Elemental Scientific (formerly Hagenglow labs)
email by FastMail
email by ProtonMail
email by Tutanota
Emerson Humidifiers
Employer Resource Center
Emule home page
Enterprise Car Rental
Entheogen site
EPM Home Page (O-rings, gaskets, plastic tube, etc)
Ericsson Home Page
Erin's Homestead
Erowid's Drug info site
ERPS - The Experimental Rocket Propulsion Society
ESB bus station
ETSI documentation service
Eudora home page
European Patent/Full Text
Euroview Glass Enclosures
Executive summary of the World-Wide Web initiative
Exercise and Muscle Directory
Exotic cars for rent
ExpressPCB for PCB prototyping
External Viewer Information
Eyeglasses by Goggles4u
Eyeglasses by Zenni Optical
Eyjafjallajokull volcano pictures
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F16 Combat Aircraft Fundamentals
FAA Permitting for sub-orbital rockets
Fax: How can I send a fax from the Internet?
Fax: illegal junk mail legislation
FBI charts of violet crime
FCC Fact Sheet on the placement of antennas (cannot ban satellite dish)
FCC Web Server
Feather Monero Wallet
Featherweight rocket altimiter, magnetic switch, etc
Federal Register
Federal Register
Federation of State Medical Boards
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Home Page
Feuer Frei by
Feynman Lectures hosted by Microsoft Tuva
Fidelity Investments Home Page
Finance and Physics by
Finance (finmath, eigchol)
Finance, MS, Berkeley
Finance, MS, Carnegie Mellon
Finance, MS, Chicago
Finance, MS, at IIT
Finance, MS, at Illinois Champaign
Finance, MS, at Purdue
Finance, MS, at UIC
Finance, MS, at UMich
Finance, Risk Glossary
Fin Can, rocket fins by ACME
Fin Can, rocket fins by Binder Design
Fin Flutter in a rocket by Apogee
Fintel, Scott EX-rockets (solid, hybrid, liquid)
Fireworks Cookbook, pyrotechnic chemicals CPU benchmark results, overclocking, etc
Fish Cam!
Flame test - color of various elements when burned
Flashbulbs for sale
Flash cards on FCC HAM Technicians Class Exam
Flash cards on numerous topics
Fleet Financial
Fleet Visa card
FlightAware live airplane tracking
Flight Simulator by Flightgear (opensource)
Flight Simulator info by
Flight Simulator info by
Flower Delivery Flowers
Flowmetrics pistonless rocket fuel pump
Foam cylinders, Polyethylene by Foam Factory (rocket)
Foam cylinders, styrofoam by Foam Factory (rocket)
Foam cylinders, styrofoam by The Craft Place(rocket)
Form for CSO PH query
Forum by Jobs
Forum by OPFO
Forum by Fog Creek
Forum by Wilmott: Career
Forum by Wilmott: General
Forum by Wilmott: Off Topic
Forum by Wilmott: Software
Four11 Directory Services (SLED)
Fractal Microscope
Fraley, Brittain Rocketry
Free DOS
Free real estate in Kansas
Friends of Amateur Rocketry (FAR)
Friends of Amateur Rocketry (FAR) site coordinates
Friends of Amateur Rocketry Weather Station
Fry's Chicago Ads #1
Fun3D free CDF software with examples
Futek load cells and pressure sensors
Futurama episode guide
Future and Options quotes
Future and Options quotes by CNN
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Gadget Gangster cool single board projects incl cheap 6dof gyro etc
Galactica at
Galileo Mission to Jupiter Home Page
Gallium Metal for sale by Gallium Source
GALT NETworth page of mutual funds and stocks
Gamecopyworld CDR copy programs, copy protection rips, instructions, etc
Garden Gate: The Gardener's Reading Room
Garmin Secret Startup Commands
Gas Dynamics Lab, rockets by James Lanier
Gas Turbine Home Page (small jet engine)
GAT Guns
GDL_Propep (win7-64 compliant)
GE Home Page
Geiss Screensaver and Winamp plug-in
GEMS solenoid valves
Genealogy Home Page
Geographic Nameserver
Georgian Courts Association by Ciranet
Georgian Courts legal
Georgia Tech - CS 8112 Winter 1995 -- Software Engineering Seminar
Gibson Research
Gibson Research Fingerprints
GIT Tutorial by
Global Electronic Marketing Service
Glocks 4 Grads
GM BuyPower
GNU Info Tree
GNUPIC, PIC compilers, assemblers and simulators
GNU Scientific Library
GoBack in time on the Web by Wayback Machine
Goddard, Robert - Rocketing to the Moon - Jan 1930
Good Samaritan Health and Fitness Center
Good Samaritan Health and Fitness Center Weekly Pool Schedule
Good Samaritan Health and Fitness Center Weekly Schedule
Goodway flight planner for X-Plane
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co
GORP - Great Outdoor Recreation Pages
Governors State University
Governors State University Library
GPS for rocket by BigRedBee
GPS, how to use
GPS tracker by ChinaVasion
GPS tracker by LandAirSea Systems
Grape Seed Extract by Sullivan Creek
Graphic Element Samples
Graphite, by ABR Imagery
Graphite by Becker Graphite (rods, tubes, etc)
Graphite by, (rods, tubes, etc)
Graphite, carbon fiber reinforced by Graphtek
Graphite, carbon fiber reinforced by Sigrabond
Graphite, Poco Graphite
Green Software Store, inexpensive supplier of Microsoft and others
Gregory Abowd's Home Page
GRE Scores quantative interpretation by ~stewart
GRE Scores report by ETS
GRE Scores verbal interpretation by ~stewart
Gresik, Alan Swing Shit Orchestra
Grizzly Tools
Groceries delived by Peapod
Grossan Pulsatile Irrigator
Group IPC - Promoting Mezzanine Solutions (PMC directorr)
Gua Sha
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H264 to {anything} using avidemux
Hacker Space list
Hair color by Robert Craig
HAM Radio Exam flash cards
Hancock Commuter Shuttle by LAZ
Hanover Park, Illinois
Harbor Freight Tools
Harbor Freight Tools - Digital Savings
Harbor Freight Tools - Extra Savings
Harbor Freight Tools - Retail Flyer
Harper Community College
Harris Corporation Home Page
HARRISdirect (old CSFBdirect) online brokerage
Harvey Racing Engine's Web Page
Hastings Aluminum tubing
Headache and Migraine News - thoughts information and newsletter by 'James'
Headache causes, news, types, and treatments by
Headache, location of supraorbital nerve, supratrochlear nerve, etc
Health Insurance FAQ by state
Hedge fund tracking by Whale Wisdom
Heinlein Prize
Henckels Knife Sharping Service
HEPA CADR certifications
Hernia Hotel
Hernia information home page
Hernia, Personal experiences
Hinsdale Hernia Center
History Channel
Hive, synthetikal/A>
Hodgdon Powder and Reload Company
Hollywood Online
Home advisor by msn
Home built gas-turbine engine
Hospitals: Loyola University Medical Center
Hospitals: Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center help file netstat
How Hard Can It Be: Homemade Rocket
How long can you keep stuff?
HP Labs World Wide Web Home Page
HPR Rocket - strenght of materials
htaccess - restricted access, password protected web site
Huawei M5, how to root at xda-developers
Hubble Space Telescope looking at empty sky
Humphrey pistonless pump
Hybriddyne - hybrid rocket forum
Hybridsky by Evan Daniel et al (rocket propellant hydrazine and hydrogen peroxide)
Hydrogen Peroxide distallation kit by TEM
Hydrogen Peroxide for sale by xlspace
Hydrogen Peroxide Rocket Flight Report by Bill Claybaugh
Hyvac vacuum pumps and equipment
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IANA reserved port numbers
I-Beam, steel, specs by Saginaw Pipe
IBM OS/2 Warp Home Page
IBM Personal Software
ICSE-17 Root Menu
Incubator in Evanston for technology startups
IDD Invormation Services
IEAS home page
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Home Page
Igniter for rocket, by Rocket Moonlighting
Ignition! by Clark
Ignition! by Clark at
Ignitor, rocket, home-made
I hate my life
Illinois Auto License Plate Lookup - Vanity and Personalized
Illinois Colleges and University listing
Illinois Corporatation/LLC search
Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (incl disciplinary reports on MDs/doctors
Illinois Employment Record Disclosure Act
Illinois Institute of Technology - Welcome
Illinois Labor Statistics
Illinois Laws about Job References
Illinois: Open The Books, Salaries of all public employees
Illinois Public Retirement Systems and Pension Funds, Directory
Illinois Public Pension Fund Association
Illinois Teachers' pensions indexed by teacher name
Illinois Teachers' salaries, indexed by teacher name (
Illinois Teachers' salaries, indexed by teacher name (ISBE)
Illinois Teachers' salaries, indexed by teacher name (
Illinois Teachers' salaries (university), indexed by teacher name (IBHE)
Illinois Tollway Authority
Index to Object-Oriented Information Sources
Industrial Solid Propulsion (ISP rocket motors)
Inflation calculator based on CPI
Inflation calculator by the US Dept of Labor
Infocenter32 Scanner Software
InfoCentral Rocket design, construction, recovery hints
Injections, intramuscular, how to and location
Inline skating howto's and videos by
Instrument amplifier by Logos Electromechanical
Instrument amplifier by Phillips Instruments
Insure++ Home Page
Intel Home Page
Intel Processor Benchmarks
Intel Processors(x86) Latency, Throughput, and Port Usage Information by
Intel Processor Spec Finder
International Business Machines
Internet Addressing mapping (DNS)
Internet Provider List
Internet Resources Meta-Index
Internet Society Home Page
Interviewing by Joel on Software
Investopedia investment encyclopedia
Iowa State University of Science and Technology
IPASS gray market cellphone supplies and equipment
Iridium Home Page
IRS: Internal Revenue Service Home Page
ISO Online
ISP hosting by help file
ISP hosting by help file
ISS - International Space Station - Live
ITAR list of restricted items
ITO Calculus by gummy-stuff
IT Program
ITU Gopher Server
ITU Gopher download wizard
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Jakob, Jeff Rocket Page - R10,000 hybrid and others
Jane's FA-18 addons, training missions, etc.
Janus Funds
Jarvis Guide to Carbon Fiber rockets, part1
Jarvis Guide to Carbon Fiber rockets, part2
Java compiler (java2exe) from Jet
Java compiler (java2exe) from Jet - link for downloads
Java documentation for classes/objects/etc for jdk1.4
Java JDBC for mySQL interface
Java lightweight math/statistics library
javakey man page
Java Security by SUN
Java Tutorial
JBN2 all pingers
JDR Microdevices
Jet-Hot ceramics
Jet Pack, water powered
Jeff Jakob's Rocket catalog
JLF catalog of poisonus nonconsumables (drugs:mushrooms)
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Job Search by newyork.computernetwork
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Jobs, WSJ Career Journal
John Wickman's Home Page
Joseph Pujol, the Fartiste (source for Sorbital)
Jurvetson, Steve talk about Rockets at TED, background checks for employment
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Kanna by Botanical Zen
Kanna by Kratora
Karri Nussle
Kazaa Lite by
Kelley Blue Book of Auto Prices
Kenwood Radios replacement parts
Kenwood TH-D7 protocol (PC-Radio interface)
Kermit Communications Software
Kevlar recovery harness (rocket) by
Kevlar, Technora, etc fibers by TwinLine (rocket)
Kloudbusters High Power Rocketry Home Page
Kmac Plastics - source for phenolic tube and other composite materials (rocketry)
Knots, all types, how to tie
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Kratom by Benni Botanicals
Kratom by
Kratom by Denette615
Kratom by Gaia Ethnobotanicals
Kratom by Herbal RVA
Kratom by Herbal Salvation
Kratom by insense
Kratom by Krabot
Kratom by KratomSourceUSA
Kratom by Kratora
Kratom by mitraman
Kratom by (Pharmacy Dropout)
Kratom by That One Place
Kratom forum at
Kratom forum VendorsOfKraom at
Kratom - Pharmacokinetics of mitragynine in man
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LABDV Digital video stuff
Labjack data acquisition system
LabX used and surplus laboratory equipment for sale
Language guesser by Talenknobbel
Language Translation, big list of online translators
Language Translator (spanish-english-french-etc)
Laser: Sam's Laser FAQ
Lathe database page
Lathe, how to use a lathe music videos
Laura Doyle - No easy answers
Lawrence Livermore Phonebook
LED Center including LED, resistor, array calculator
Lemon Tree Grocer in Downers Grove
Lenovo Service Videos (how to take apart a ThinkPad)
Lenovo, Windows 7 clean install
Leverage Technologists Home Page
Levi Strauss & Co.
Lexmark International, Inc. -- Home Page
Library at University of Pennsylvania
Lichtenstein Hernia Institute
Life Cycle Engineering of Process-Centered Capabilities
Linear Algebra Class Lecture Videos by Strang
Linear Algebra Problem Book by Paul Halmos
Lingenfelter Performance Engineering Home Page
Linux gcc packages (ftp)
Linux Home Page
Lipoma forum
Lipoma pictures
Lipoma story on
Live Access to Climate Data (NOAA)
LLNL Home Page
Local Calling Area (A-band calls)
Loki Research Rocket Motors and Accessories
London Tubes
Lord of the Rings movie home page
Lord of the Rings Royal Doulton collection price by
Los Alamos Home Page
Los Angeles Corporate Apartments
Los Angeles Corporate Housing by Pasha
Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority
LSD Ololiuhqui and Other Ergolines
Lumber Liquidators (source of hardwood flooring)
Lunacity list of aerospace links
Lunar landing conspiracy theories debunked
Luxfer Gas Cylinders: DOT-3AL and other high pressure cyclinders suitable for hybrid rockets Disembodied eyes Rhodium
LYNX Realtime OS
lyrics Index
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MacDrive for reading Macintosh file formats
Machine Shop - eMachine Shop
Machine Shop - Protolabs
Machine Shop - SendCutSend
Madoff/Tremont settlements
Magellan's Travel Needs
Magnetoplasmadynic (MPD) Thruster Design by Matthew Krolak (electric rocket motor)
Magnum Rockets Hobbies & More Inc.
Mailing Lists, publicly accessible
Make Bullshit
Mallett Cars Inc
Manson, Shirley on facebook
Map Puzzle - Know your states
MapQuest Road Altas & Maps
Maps on Us
Mastercard, MBNA
Mathematics Archives WWW Server
Math library for Java by Jakarta
Math Reference Site by
MathWorks Home Page
Matlab Trader
MatWeb materials database
Mayo Clinic
MBNA Mastercard
McAfee Virius Scanner
McCormick Place maps and floor plan
McMansion Hell
MDMA slide show
Meaning of first names
MecklerWeb Home Page
Media-Lab Welcome
Meguiar's Auto Waxes
Mercury Center Home Page
Meriam Webster Home Page
Merit Software Archives
Message, Chinese, Gua Sha
Message, Chinese, Tui Na
Message, glossary
Metal,, small quantity metals, plastics, and similar
Metal, Alcobra Metals, source of medium-thin aluminum tube
Metal, Aluminum, Dimensions of standard shapes
Metal, Global Tech Aluminum tubing - thin wall 6063 aluminum pipe
Metal, Hastings Aluminum tubing - thin wall aluminum tube
Metal, I-Beam, steel, Dimensions
Metal, Lake Company - thin wall aluminum tube
Metal, Metal Buyers Mart of small quantity metals and plastics
Metal, MetalsDepot, small quantity metals and plastics
Metal, Metal Store, small quantity metals and plastics
Metal, Metal Supermarkets, in Bolingbrook
Metal,, small quantity metals and plastics
Metal,, small quantity metals and plastics
Metal,, small quantity metals and plastics
Metal Spinning Tutorial
Metal, - thin wall aluminum tube (west only)
Metal, VelocityAir, source of thin 6063 aluminum tube
Metal, welding, Bear Metal Welding & Fabrication
Metal, welding, Dupage Welding
Metra (Chicago) Train Schedules
Mettler Toledo
Mettler Toledo Load Cells
Micro Center Home Page
Micro Nitro Rocketry
Micron Metals (boron etc)
Microprocessor instruction set cards
Microsoft discount licensing (license decommissioned software)
Microsoft download center
Microsoft flight simulator home page
Microsoft Hardware Support Phone number
Microsoft Home Page
Microsoft IE6 underground download site
Microsoft Knowledge Base
Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool
Microsoft Media Creation Tool for Windows 10
Microsoft Office 2010 download for recovery
Microsoft Office XP Administrative Updates
Microsoft's Advanced Technology division
Microsoft Support Web Page
Microsoft Windows 10 Update Assistant
Microsoft Windows - Restore Deleted EFI System Partition
Microsoft Windows - Restore Deleted EFI System Partition
Midland Xpress Metals (online ordering)
Migraine Discussion at
Military Rockets and Missiles, directory
Mirror parity volume archive tools
Missile DATCOM for predicting rocket aerodynamics
MIT Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
MIT OpenCourseWare, classes offered online at MIT
MIT Rocket Society
Mobile IPv4 by IETF
Mobile IPv6 by IETF
Modem Intel model 563 drivers and manual
Mojave Rocket Society
Mold count map by
Money Magazine Home Page
Monitors for sale (new and refurbished)
Monster Board!
Morning Star Mutual Fund Stats
Morning Star Technologies
Mosaic Fill-Out Form Support
Motherboard for little PC (pc100 M747 board)
Motherboard Monitor (MBM)
Motley Fool: Finance and Folly
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Motorola World-Wide-Web Server
Movie Database
Movie Database by Movie Title
Movie terms and glossary
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MP3 to Audio CD conversion
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MSN House & Home
MTV Online
Multitronix rocket GPS and transmitter/receiver hardware
Municipal Bonds for sale
Muppets Home Page
Mushroom Videos
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Music, sheet by
Music, sheet by
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Music, sheet (free) by
Music, Sheet (free) by my-piano2.blogspot
Music, Sheet (free) by my-piano.blogspot
Music, Sheet (free) by
Music, Sheet (free) by pianosongbooks
Music, Sheet (free) by
Music, Staff Manuscript, free by
Mystery Science Theater 3000
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Nagasaki rememberance after the blast
Nakka, Richard Rocketry
Napster fast search software
Narcotic analgesic converter
Narcotic analgesic converter applet
NAR: National Assocication of Rocketry
NARTS - National Association of Rocketry Technical Service Home Page
NASA Apollo/Saturn pictures
NASA GRIN - Great Images in NASA - libary of high quality photos
NASA History, free books
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
NASA literature search at
NASA literature: SP-8xxx series
NASA literature: SP-8xxx series at arocket
NASA Open Source Software
NASA Tech Briefs
NASA technical report repository libraries
NASA technical report server (NTRS)
NASA Technical Reports Server at Marshall (SP series)
Nasdaq 100 quotes
Nasdaq TotalView-ITCH 5.0 (pdf)
National Semiconductor
NCSA Home Page
NERO CDR software
NERO: Dutch Federation for Rocket Research
NetCenter Home Page
Netscape Handbook
Netscape Home Page
Neruo Science Inc - serotonin urine test
NetBurner inexpensive single board embedded computers
New Balance Shoe Laces
Newsgroup-related WAIS index servers
New Lenox
Newspaper, 3G newsroom
Newspaper, Daily Herald
Newspaper, San Diego Union Tribune
Newspaper, San Francisco Chronical
Newspaper, San Jose Mercury News
Newspaper, Seattle Times
Newspapers from around the world
Nexus factory images
NFA Broker Check
NFA Initial Documentation Request
Nieman Marcus
NIH - National Institute Health
Ninite - install or update all your programs at once
NIST Chemstry Web Book (heat of formation and other neat stuff)
NIST WWW - Home Page
Nitrous aluminum cylinder recertification complete list
Nitrous aluminum cylinder recertification searchable list
Nitrous Oxide compatibility chart by Air Liquide
Nitrous Oxide custom made braided hose
Nitrous Oxide refill service (??) by AES in Elk Grove Village
Nitrous Oxide refill service by High Speed Welding
Nitrous Oxide refill service by Midwest Hotrods in Plainfield
Nitrous Oxide refill service by The Hotrod Barn in Morris IL
Nitrous Oxide refill service (??) by Straightline Performance in New Lenox
Nitrous Oxide refill service by Winners Circle in Joliet IL
NOAA Weather Page
NOLO Willmaker
Nomex and other fabrics by Magna Fabrics (rocket)
Nomex for sale by Pegasus Auto
Nomex, Kevlar and other fabrics by CST Sales(rocket)
North Central College, Naperville, Home Page
North Central College, Naperville, Library
Northern Target and Guns (sells pyrotechnic chemicals)
North Penn Hernia Institute (Dr Goodman)
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Northwestern University Home Page
Norton AntiVirus update package
Norton Sales - surplus and salvage rocket parts
Novell Inc. World Wide Web Homepage
NOW Foods
NTE Electronics, Inc.
NTI-tss at White Memorial Medical Center
NTI-tss migraine device
Numerical methods C++ libraries by GNU
Numerical methods C++ libraries by OO Numerics
Nutritional database by
nVIDIA video drivers from
Nylon Fabric by
Nylon Fabric by
Nylon Fabric by
Nylon Fabric by
Nylon thread information from The Thread Exchange
Nylon Webbing, tubular nylon, etc by StrapWorks
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ORTAG archives by SPL
ORTAG archives by SPL (all documents in one zip)
Oakmark mutual funds
OBama video: Burning Down the House
Object Database Management Group Home Page
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) criticisms
OFAC search
Ohare: Bus schedule from Ohare to South Suburbs
Omega economical sensors
Omnipage OCR software
Online Banking and fee schedules
openMotor rocket motor ballistic simulator
OpenRocket design library
OpenRocket design library (actually RockSim)
OpenRocket Developers' Guide
OpenRocket GitHub
OpenRocket Main Page
OpenRocket, Open Source model rocket altitude simulator
OpenRocket Simulation Listeners
Open source: blender: 3D drawing program like Maya
Open source: scilad: numerical computing
OpticTracker - lockon and track any moving target
Options applet: Barrier Option Calculator
Options applet: European with greeks
Options applet: Option Sensitivities
OO Bibliography
Opennet declassified document search engine
Oracle 9i online documentation (mcs686)
Oracle Home Page
Orifices, precision, by Lenox Laser
O-ring by allorings (small minimum)
O-ring groove and gland machining dimensions
O-ring west
OS/2 WWW Homepage
OSA OpticsNet
O.S.U. Atmospheric Science Program World Wide Web
Out-grow mushroom growing supplies
Overclocking the Core I7 920 to 4Ghz
Oxygen safety standards by NASA
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Packet Radio Home Page
Painted House HGTV show by Debbie Travis
Palatine Public Library
Palm-Aire Golf Acadamy (new)
Palmetto Aerospace
Palm Pilot Home Page
Palos Health and Fitness Center
Palos Park History
Parachute, rocket, simple DIY design by Adrian A
Parachutes by FruityChutes
Parachutes, how to pack, by FruityChutes
Parallax, Inc.
Paramount Pictures
Parker O-rings
Parrot AR.Drone flying video game for iPad, iPhone, etc
Patent/Full Text by uspto
Patent/Full Text PDF generator by
Paul Campbell's Home Page (rocket stuff)
Paul Caskey's Home Page
PCB, Printed circuit board custom fabrication by
PCB, Printed circuit board custom fabrication by
PC Shareware/freeware
PCLT Exit Ramp
PDR Online
Peet's Coffee & Tea
PerfectFlite cheap rocket altimeter
Perpetual Calendar
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Personal Information - Jason D. White
Perspective (scale of the universe)
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PGP - GPG4USB portable encryption for Win and Linux
PGP Tutorial for newbs using GPG4WIN
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PIC uCPU by Microchip
PIC C compiler and simulator by GNUPIC
PIC C compiler by SDCC (small device C compiler)
Pinnacle Black Label Diamond Paint Coating for cars
Pipe, Notes
Pipe, Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 (PVC) dimensions
Pipe, Schedule 40 (Steel) dimensions
Pipe, Schedule 80 (Steel) dimensions
Plan 9 from Bell Labs
Playboy Home Page
PLoP '95 Call for Papers
Polaris mIRC home page
Politicians' finances
Pollen Count Information for the Midwest
Pollen Count Information from National Allergy Bureau
Polyurethane, Chemistry and Technology
Pomade by
Popcorn time official
Poplar Creek Library
Poptools: add-ins for Excel to facilitate matrix operations
Popular Mechanics
Portable appz
Portland State Aerospace Society (guided rocket)
Post Apple Scientific chemical supply and reagents
Powell's Technical Book Store
Powers of ten
Pratt Hobbies Home Page
Predator Research Group
Price Grabber Costs Comparator
Price Watch Computer Component Costs
Printer filling station (inkjet refill kits)
Printers, refurbished by
PRMIA, Professional Risk Managers' International Association
Professor Neon's TV & Movie Mania
ProFunds mutual funds
Progress on HTTP-NG
Propellant Slosh Reports and Links (rocket)
Propulsion Labs rocketry software (GrainsCAD, JeffPEP etc), a listing of data communication protocols
Psilocyban treatment of vascular headaches
Public Missiles
PubMed online medical resource database
Purdue CS Dept
Pyrochemsource, pyrotechnic chemicals
Pyro Creations, pyrotechnic chemicals
PyPropep Python interface to Propep
Pyrodex and Black powder online sale
Pyroless Deployment Device for rocket by Troy Prideaux
Pyrotechnics, eMatch kit by ODA
Pyro-valve by Tom Mueller
Pyro-valve by Nero
Pyrotek Chemical supply
Python Rocketry - custom nosecones
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QU8K rocket by Derek Deville
Quantitative finance by Wilmott
Quarterdeck Home Page
Questions About Netscape
QuickBurst Rocket Ejection Charge Starter
QuickBurst eMatch and other rocket motor chemicals
Quicken Investment Advisor
QuoteCom Home Page
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Radar bands used by state, county, city (RDFGS database)
Radio, streaming, KOGO
Ragú Presents -- Mama's Cucina
Railroad rail specification
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RATTWorks Advanced Retention Release Device
RATTWorks Tribrid rocket motor tutorial
RCS - 200u Ammonium Perchlorate for EX-rocket motors
RDAS - Rocket Data Acquisition System by AED Electronics
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Real estate, houses under water
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Real estate listings, Rubloff, Chicago
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rec.models.rockets archive at sunsite
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Rego Valves, Rocket tank regulator, by JTC Valve Sales
Regulator Valves, Rocket, by Aqua Environment
Regulator Valves, Rocket, by Tescom
Remote Control, wireless RF, 12 channel, 12VDC, 433 Mhz, by CarryMart
Remote Control, wireless RF, 12 channel, 12VDC, 433 Mhz, by RFControlSystem
Remote disconnect for high pressure fill lines by Paul Breed (rocket)
Replacements LTD - Replace china, flatware, crystal, etc
RFCs at OSU - big RFC archive (ftp)
Rhodium at synthetikal
Rhodium mirrored at erowid
Ring tones - AT&T Text-to-Speech Demo
Richard Nakka's Amateur Rocketry Page (great page)
Richmond Supply - source for Parker Poly-grip fittings
Rick Darby's Rocketry/Amateur Radio web page
Risks Digest Volume 16: Issue 75
Robbins Headache Clinic
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Robert Watzlavick's 250 lbf regeneratively cooled rocket motor
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Rocketguy manned rocket flight
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RocketPy 6DOF rocket trajectory simulator github
RocketPy 6DOF rocket trajectory simulator Jupiter notebook
Rocketry forum:
Rocketry forum: QCRS Discussion Forum
Rocketry forum: Reddit
Rocketry forum:
Rocketry forum: Research
Rocketry forum:
Rocketry forum: Tripoli Indiana
Rocketry Pictures, historic
Rocketry Online
Rocket records, amateur
Rocketry Online (ROL) forums
Rocketry Planet Amateur/EX rocketry forum
Rocket Safety by RTI
Rockets for Schools
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Rockets R Us (research chemicals and other stuff)
Rocket static test stand pictures
Rocket Team Vatsaas - excellent construction techniques
Rocket, Timer, by Jonny Dyer
Rogers Aerospace RASAero rocket simulation software
Ronda's Migraine Page
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Rush Presbyterian - St Luke's Medical Center
Russian Space Program, ruins
Russell Archives Home Page
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Rutan, Burt's X-Prize vehicle
RV rental by CruiseAmerica
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S&P500 list of stocks and their weighting
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Sally beauty supply
Salvia divinorum Research and Information Center
San Francisco Examiner Home Page
Sartomer Chemistry, Supplier of commercial HTPB
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Saturn Server
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Scale of the universe
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scdkey(2) low cost software keys
Science Alliance source for small quantity and lab chemicals for the amateur
ScienceForYou - pyro chemicals, smoke kits, supplies
Sciencemadness Library
Scientific American magazine
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SCO World Wide Web Home Page
SCTA/BNI Speedweek Home Page
Search alt.binary news groups by
Search alt.binary news groups by binsearch
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Search alt.binary news groups by
Search Calvin and Hobbes comic strip
Search Engine submission how-to by Spider Food
Search for TV series using sonarr
Search for movies using radarr
Search the internet (by netscape)
SEC form ADV Advisor search
SEDS: Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
Seed, Herbs and supplies by Alchemy Works
Seeing Stars: Find Your Favorite Star
Serials 2000
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Sheet Music by sheetmusicarchive
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Shoelaces FAQ
Shouldice Hospital
Shroom Supply Mushroom Grow kits
Shupan Aluminum
Sierra Club Home Page
Simon's Handwash, Wax, and Detailing
Simpsons Archive
Sinclair Interplanetary low cost satellite guidance
Single board computers by Coridium Corporation
Sinus anatomy and CT images
Skin Site, The (hydorquinone skin bleaching and other cosmetic procedures)
SkyAngle rocket parachutes
Skylighter Inc
Smalley Snap-rings and Spring-rings source for metals, bearing, tubing, fittings, etc
Smart Shop in Amsterdam
Smoke Generators for sale
Snap ring hold strength (rocket)
Social Security Disability: discussion board by network54
Social Security Disability: National Association of Disability Representatives
Social Security Disability: National Organization of Social Security Claimants Representatives
Social Security form 3368
Software Engineering Institute Information Server
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Song Facts (music)
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Sorbitol in bulk by Industrial Commodities
Sound Clearing House (speaker kits)
Soundproofing walls and floors:
Soundproofing walls and floors:
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Soyo Dragon Plus Motherboard
Soyo Home page in USA
Space Adventures - fly a MIG-25, MIG-29 and others
SpaceFlightServices - prices to put small payloads into orbit
Space Frontier Foundation ($250 prize)
Spaceport Florida Home Page
SpaceX BlogSpot
Sparco Communications
Spamhole email spam fighter
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SPAWAR's Home Page
SPC Home Page
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SpeedySigns - custom banners, signs, decals, stickers, etc netstat
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Sports Authority
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Standard Atmosphere calculator in Java from stanford
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Stanford University
Starting Points for Internet Exploration
StarTreak TNG contents of DVD disk sets
StarTrek TNG episode guide
StarTrek TOS episode guide
StarTrek Voyager episode guide
Statistical Abstract
Statistical and time series functions in MATLAB by Econometrics
Statistical Forecasting and ARIMA by Robert Nau at
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Stepwise NEXTSTEP/OpenStep Server
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Structural Inc - composite pressure vessels and tanks
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STSC Home Page
Sudoku numbers game
Sugar Shot to Space - contest to build an amateur sugar rocket
Sun Flashes
SunSoft, Inc Home Page
Surplus Center: source for motors, hydraulics, pumps, etc
Suspended Animation Home Page
Suurland, Thomas home page of airplane blueprints
Switchboard list of people and businesses
Syracuse University's Campus-Wide Information System.
Syringes and related products by GPZ Services
System Solaire gasoline/H2O2 liquid rocket motor
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Take me back web archive
TAM - TransAtlanticModel airplane
Taniwha Flight Computers
Tapping a straight hole
TAP Plastics
Tax calculator
Taxes, all states by
TC Logger rocket data acquisition system by NASSA
TDOA - time difference of arrival radio direction finding
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Tether, Rocket, by RattWorks
Tether, Rocket, by Tender Descender
Teachers' salaries in Illinois high schools
Technical reports by AIAA
Technical reports by NASA NTRS
Technical reports by OSTI graylit
Technology Review by MIT's magazine of innovation
TechShop membership based workshop and metal shop
Tektronix Inc.
Tektronix - Technical Support
Telecommunications Act of 1996
Telecommunications Software Engineering Research Group
Teleflite Amateur Rocket Motors
Telematrix.Com Home Page
Telemetry radios for rocket applications
Texas Instruments
There I Fixed It
Thermal Analysis of Rocket Motors by Graham Sortino
Thermal greese application instructions by Arctic Silver
Thesaurus, Roget
This is Chicago!
Thomas Ho's favorite Electronic Commerce WWW resources
THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet
ThomasNet supplier list
Thunder Valley pyro chemicals
TinyURL for shorting long URL addresses
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Tires: Tire rack
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TitleBank Internet Catalog
TIVO hacking FAQ
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Tom's hardware guide
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Tony Beville's Home page
Tool and manufacturing engineers handbook
Topamax discussion board
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Transducers Direct for rocket pressure sensors
Truax Engineering, Never World Rockets
Travel: American Express airline schedules and airfares
Travel: Kayak
Travel: Matrix airfare search
Travelocity online travel agency
Treasury direct
Treating cardboard mortar tubes
Tremont Settlements
Tripoli Class 3 FAQ
Tripoli Indiana Ash Grove launch site
Tripoli Indiana Home Page
Tripoli Motor Testing Homepage
Tripoli Quad Cities Discussion Forum
Tripoli Quad Cities Homepage
Tripoli QCRS launch site map
Tripoli - Rockets
Tripoli Wisconson's Monthly Bong Rocket Launches
TriState Bus schedule from Ohare to South Suburbs
TruCore core aligning system of EX rocketry
True Supersonics airplane information in russia
Tubes, G10 and Carbon Fiber
Tubes, G10, etc by AIN Plastics - 100 foot minimum
Tubes, paper and phenolic
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